20190212  Galaxie  M 106 

Messier 106 (also known as NGC 4258) is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Hounds and about 23 million light-years from Earth. 

M106 is not a normal galaxy; astronomers refer to M106 as the so-called Seyfert galaxy. 

Unlike your cousins, they produce gigantic amounts of x-rays.

M106 has some massive star-forming regions and also a number of huge H-II regions. 

Previous X-rays have already detected unusually strong emission lines in the galaxy, and scientists have always suspected an active black hole at the center of the galaxy.

Only a few years ago, through the combination of scientific images from three NASA telescopes, further interesting details could be explored and the existence of a black hole confirmed.

 Like our Milky Way, M106 initially has a spiral shape with multiple arms. In addition, M106 has other unusual arms which were detected by X-ray and radio waves recordings. 

Unfortunately, these are not found on photographs of amateur astronomers. 

In addition, the Chandra X-ray telescope found huge hot gas bubbles, both above and below the galaxy level. 

The gas bubbles were created by the black hole in the center of the galaxy.

 The matter „eaten“ by the black hole is ejected and then forms funnel-shaped gas bubbles. 

Another unusual feature of M106 is the size of the black hole. Scientists estimate it 10 times higher than our Milky Way. 

While the black hole in our Milky Way only occasionally consumes a sun that comes too close, the black hole in the center of M106 has already become a voracious monster that is permanently active.

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