20190116 Japan: Kendo              


In universities, the kendo groups are divided into a club (剣 道 部 kendōbu) and one or more circles (サ ー ク ル sākuru). 

The clubs represent the representative association of the respective university and can receive funding from it.

Due to this function, the expectation is accordingly high, training is almost daily. 

The compasses, on the other hand, are private associations and are not allowed to officially represent their university. 

It is usually not trained as often as in clubs and the intensity or level of training is usually lower.

After university, it usually goes on in the clubs of the respective companies, but the drop-out rate after the university is one of the highest. Kendō experiences great promotion through police sports. Policemen who commit to the Kendo can train daily, sometimes several times a day, as part of their service.
There are tournaments on all levels: school, university, city, company tournaments etc.

42 replies to “20190116 Japan: Kendo              


      All my contributions and photos are carefully researched and put together to the best of my knowledge and belief.

      I’m not looking for error free and I’m not assuming anything wrong

      Gefällt 1 Person

      1. Here is one of my journalistic sources. Please check it yourself.


        On his Homepage he wrote:

        Welcome to my site. I live in Fukuoka city which is located on the island of Kyushu. I studied history and archaeology at university and I work as an English teacher.  This site focuses on Japanese history, archaeology, religion and culture.
        I have been living in Japan now for a total of about 7 years.  I lived in Hokkaido for most of the time.  I lived in Hiroshima for a short time and now here in Fukuoka for the past 8 months. During this time I immersed myself in study, teaching and living the Japanese life. My wife is Japanese and both of my children were born in Japan. I lived in the Hokkaido countryside so interaction with other foreigners was rare so I had to learn Japanese and the local way of life.

        Gefällt 1 Person

      2. I read his blog,he learned about Japan very well. Excellent☺️🌸👍👍👍
        Your blog’s image which they use Rope and long sword,where is it.
        Please tell me the Image’s URL☺️

        Gefällt 1 Person

      3. Propaganda by China, there are a lot of fake information. Also synthesize photos. Especially Germany and Africa are targets.
        So,tell me URL,Please☺️🇯🇵

        Gefällt 1 Person

      4. Good evening. I hope I do not bother because of the late time in Japan.

        Many, many thanks for the many good Informations.
        I’m also grateful for your own work.
        Respect (!)
        What is important is this:
        I AM NOT A POLITICIAN (!) –
        Since I have great interest in the Japanese culture, I follow the political tensions with China, Korea and North Korea, of course, with great interest.

        But I am party-less in Germany and do not hold any grudges against China and Korea ore others….

        That does not mean,
        that I like everything they do.

        Japan first (!)- Is my sportive motto.

        I hope you understand me.
        Thank you very much from Germany.🙋‍♂️

        Gefällt 1 Person

      5. I see!!
        I am ordinary person,too.
        But I hate Chinese-communism,so I am cautious and can’t help checking about it!
        I can understand your thought,Thank you very much!! 😀

        Gefällt 1 Person

      6. Nobody is born to hate another person. People need to learn to hate,
        and if they can learn to hate,
        then you can also be taught to love, because love feels the human heart much more naturally than its opposite.

        Nelson Mandela

        Gefällt 1 Person

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